資源 (相應的 Web 網站 Captch 這一資源) 的參考連結miloszwl
資源資訊: All icons in the Boomy toolbar package are for personal use only. You may also use the icons in open source and freeware projects as long as you give credits to the author of the icons and link to his website. Icons in set : accept, add, addfile, adduser, app, back, backward, bug, burn, cd, chat, clock, close, configure, console, cut, cutb, database, delete, deletefile, deleteuser, documentsorcopy, down, edit, fav, favadd, favb, favbadd, file, filelocked, filesearch, find, floppy, folder, folderlocked, foldermove, folderopen, foldersearch, forward, gotoapp, gowebsite, groupofusers, hd, hdlocked, hdsearch, help, home, infoabout, key, lock, mail, mailpgp, mailsend, money, moneyb, moneyc, movefile, music, network, networkoptions, networksearch, next, paint, pastfile, pause, pictures, play, printer, printpreview, redo, refresh, saveas, stats, stop, textfile, trash, trashb, undo,
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