erp 一般圖示集圖示包
資源 (相應的 Web 網站 Captch 這一資源) 的參考連結Antialiasfactory
資源資訊: This is main product of the company i m working for. a country-wide ERP system uploaded after some tweaking. There is many more of such icons for a huge amount of tasks, commands, services and other parts of the whole system. . Icons in set : accounting, 0, advertisements, 1, alerts, 2, balance, 3, controlpanel, 4, devicecontrol, 5, dock, 6, download, 7, downloads, 8, entertainment, 9, erp, 10, events, 11, games, 12, invoicesearch, 13, manageusers, 14, news, 15, notes, 16, partnership, 17, personnel, 18, print, 19, searchstatistics, 20, security, 21, signout, 22, statistics, 23, users, 24, web, 25
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