關鍵字:蘋果   鍵盤   鍵盤  
檔案格式:Encapsulated PostScript eps ( .eps ) format
資源 (相應的 Web 網站 Captch 這一資源) 的參考連結Dovi
資源資訊: In future I have thought of preparing a series of keyboard shortcuts for some design programs. The first step in this process, in addition to publicize the programs, is to have a keyboard in a position vector. After conducting multiple searches on the keypad of Apple in specialized sites, I found nothing. So I prepared in Illustrator with two keypad versions: English and Spanish. Soon you can download the numeric keypad on the web pages in English as Vecteezy, qvectors, 123freevectors, vectorvalley, vectorjunky and so on. The numeric keypad on Apple in a Spanish version is available here.
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