iphone 向量
關鍵字:Iphone   手機   小工具   蘋果   科技   技術   圖示   現代的  
檔案格式:Adobe Illustrator ai ( .ai ) format
資源 (相應的 Web 網站 Captch 這一資源) 的參考連結ehoffbuhr
資源資訊: Here is a quick iPhone 4 vector I made for a promo at work. Hopefully someone out there can use it (which you are allowed to do all you want...just give me some credit if you can). The icons are PNGs that I borrowed from around the web. The dimensions on this guy are probably not 100% accurate, but it was a quick job where measurements weren't super critical. So if you need an exact, dimensionally-accurate copy of the iPhone 4, you may need to tweak this a bit. Hope you like it!
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