aqualilia 翅膀筆刷
關鍵字:畫筆   雜項   物件   翅膀,  
檔案格式:Photoshop brushes ( .abr ) file format
資源 (相應的 Web 網站 Captch 這一資源) 的參考連結AquaLilia
License: License: It's FREE!. Alrighty, here are some wing brushes…I’m really happy with how these ones turned out. I made them before the mermaid ones, and I think they’re a bit easier to use.Also, I don’t really have time to be making changes to these files to make them compatible with other programs/versions, so what you see is what you get…sorry! Have fun!made with photoshop 7.0(actual brushes are much bigger than in the preview image)
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