陷入困境的 photoshop 畫筆
關鍵字:畫筆   Grunge,  
檔案格式:Photoshop brushes ( .abr ) file format
資源 (相應的 Web 網站 Captch 這一資源) 的參考連結obsidiandawn
License: License: Check the License. Brushes: 26Version: Photoshop 7+, Photoshop Elements 2+, GIMP 2.2.6+A set of Photoshop brushes made up of various “distressed” images. These work great for adding that distressed look to a wall or floor, and also work great for grunge textures. Things like rust, scratches, rusty holes, drainage stains, dirty and grungy textures, canvas holes, cracking and peeling paint, etc. Sizes vary from about 600 to 2300.My Terms of UseIf you’re interested in the images of the brushes themselves, you can download an image pack from my website here: [link]
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