關鍵字:網頁設計   按鈕   圖示  
檔案格式:Adobe Illustrator ai ( .ai ) format, Encapsulated PostScript eps ( .eps ) format
資源 (相應的 Web 網站 Captch 這一資源) 的參考連結Chris Spooner / Blog.SpoonGraphics
資源資訊: The whole Web 2.0 revolution is well underway, with glossy shapes, reflections and highlights appearing in many website designs and application interfaces. Possibly inspired from the OSX GUI and now reinforced with Windows Vista. For free download here is a selection of 90 ?Web 2.0 style? buttons, tabs and badges created by myself and rendered in a range of colour schemes for implementation into your own designs. Useful for navigation bars, buttons, icons or drawing attention to elements within a web page with a badge. web design buttons icons Web 2.0
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