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資源 (相應的 Web 網站 Captch 這一資源) 的參考連結pc.de
資源資訊: The idea of our new product was not simply creating one more set of pretty icons for Windows 7 or Mac OS . Stylish and extraordinary icons of that type are certainly in high demand and we appreciate the tendency as well . But making something user friendly and elegant was more important for us.. Icons in set : address, administrative docs, advertising, archives, attibutes, bank, basket, bestseller, billing, bookmark, brainstorming, business contact, busy, calendar, category, check, collaboration, comment, communication, config, consulting, contact, cost, credit card, current work, customers, cv, database, date, delicious, document library, donate, drawings, edit, email, featured, feed, finished work, flag, folder, free for job, freelance, full time, future projects, graphic design, heart, hire me, home, illustration, invoice, issue, library, lightbulb, limited edition, link,
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